+91-9509817433, +91-9509917433
Applicant Personal Information
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Father's/Husband Name:
Pan No.:
Aadhar No.:
Correspondence Address:
Pin Code:
Contact No:
Alternate No:
Email Id:
Site Information
Proposed Location Address:
How to apply?
To apply for “Kinderstars” Franchise you have to submit the filled Franchise Application Form along with the required documents. Kinderstars team will review your application and start the process earliest.

All the payments will be charged advance in favor of “PACEMAX EDUCATION PRIVATE LIMITED”.
Payment Schedule:
First PaymentFinal Payment
You have to pay 50% advance to start the work. We will start the initial work such as thematic painting, printing of advt. collaterals, sample kits and office stationery to start the admission. We will schedule the thematic painting within 10-15 working days after receiving the first payment. You have to pay another 50% after completing the thematic painting works or after receiving advertisement collaterals. We will arrange your goods as per your package and it will be dispatched within 20-30 working days after receiving the final payments.
Note: It will takes minimum 30-45 working days to get ready the complete setup and it may also takes longer than usual time as per other pipeline projects. However we recommend you to start the process earliest to get ready the setup on time.
Banking Details:
Account Name: Pacemax Education Private Limited
Ac/No: 731405000232
IFSC Code: ICIC0007314
Account Type: Current Account
Bank Name: ICICI Bank
Scan to Pay
Transaction ID:
Bank Name:
A. ID proof(any two): Pan Card/Voter Id/Aadhar Card/Passport/Driving Licence.
B. Firm/Society/Trust Copy(if any).
C. Location proof: Sale deed copy/electricity bill, if building is rental then rent agreement.
I/we declare that the details and information provided by me/we herein above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Upload Photographs
Upload Signature